Ferni Recipe

Ferni Recipe

Ferni Recipe
Ferni Recipe


  • Milk 2 cups
  • Rice flour 2 tablespoons
  • Sugar 4 tablespoons
  • Water 1.2 cup (one half a cup)
  • Rosewater 1 tablespoon

Ferni Recipe

  1. First put the cold milk in saucepan then add the rice flour and water and mix it fully till the flour solve in cold milk. Then put it on grill and mix it continuously otherwise flour will form pellets.
  2. Mix it continually to thicken slightly, then put down from grill and add sugar and rosewater. Put it again on grill and mix to gain enough formidability.
  3. You should put Ferni at once in the small bowls that prepared already. Ferni getting stiffer when cooling, so be careful when put down from grill shouldn’t be too stiff or too loose.
  4. For decoration can use; melted cacao, pistachio kernel, almond kernel, cinnamon, coconut powder or saffron.

source: طرز تهیه فرنی

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